Presented below is Saraswati Strora which was composed by none other than Sage Agastya. Chanting this Strota daily can transform even the dumbest human being into a great scholar.
Who can deny the power of knowledge in the current era? In ancient days, a man with great strength might be considered a great person in the world. However, the current era is all about the brain and intelligence. Even in ancient days, there are several examples where an intelligent man did wonders. One such great example is Guru Chanakya who with his brilliance was able to demolish the mighty Nanda dynasty. The current time values mental strength, expression of one’s ideas and intelligence far more than at any other time in the human history. Several cutting-edge gadgets and technologies invented in the current era prove the above point.
Also, one can’t deny the necessity of oratory skills nowadays. If you can’t explain your it is worthless ideas, no matter how brilliant your idea is. In today’s world, multiple people work on an idea and if a person is unable to express the idea to the team in a crystal clear way, there is a very low probability that the idea will get accepted and eventually this dejection will lead to an utter distraction in life. It is Goddess Saraswati who provides the oratory skills too and worshiping Her can make a person a great orator. Every musician, pray to Goddess Saraswati to hone their oratory and artistic skills. So, any person, who wishes to create a career in this field must get the blessings of Mother Goddess.
Provided below is a very special Saraswati Strota which was composed by the great sage Agastya. A person who daily chants this Strota in the morning and evening is blessed with several boons by the Goddess. If one can’t chant the Strota twice, even chanting the Strota once in the morning can bring a lot of positivity in the life of the Sadhak.
One just needs Saraswati Yantra and Saraswati picture for this procedure. Best day to start this procedure is Basant Panchami however if you can’t start this procedure on this day, one can start this procedure from any Monday. The Sadhak should get up early in the morning and take a bath. Get into fresh white clothes and sit on a white mat facing north.
Take a wooden plank and cover it with fresh white cloth. Place a picture of revered Gurudev and worship Him with vermillion, rice grains, flowers etc. Light a ghee lamp and an incense stick. Then chant one round of Guru Mantra and pray to Gurudev for success in Sadhana. Next place the picture of Goddess Saraswati and make a mark with saffron on Her.
Now take a copper plate and place it in front of Gurudev’s picture. Now draw an eight-petal lotus flower with saffron on it. Worship Goddess Saraswati and the Yantra with white flowers, rice grains etc.
Now, pray to the Goddess to bestow Her blessings upon you and provide intelligence, sharp mind and oratory skills. Now chant the below strota with full devotion. If you find it difficult to speak out the hymns in Sanskrit, one can even read the translation and still get the same benefit.
Ya Kundendu Tusharaharadhavala Ya Shubhravastravrita
Ya Vinavaradandamanditakara Ya
Shvetapadmasana Ya
Sada Vandita
Sa Mam Patu Sarasvati Bhagavati
Nishsheshajadyapaha || 1 ||
Whose complexion is as white as Jasmine flower, moon and snow, who wears white clothes, who has a Veena in Her hands, who sits on a white lotus, who is continuously worshipped by Gods like Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva and who removes ignorance from the life of Her devotees, may that Goddess Saraswati nurture me. || 1 ||
Dorbhiryukta Chaturbhih
Hastenaikena Padam Sitamapi Cha
Shukam Pustakam Chaparena
Bhasa Kundendushankhasphatikamaninibha
Sa Me Vagdevateyam Nivasatu Vadane
Sarvada Suprasanna || 2 ||
May that Goddess of words, who has four hands, who holds the garland of crystal beads in one hand, who holds parrot, white lotus and book in other hands and who is as lustrous as Jasmine flower, moon, conch and crystal beads, forever live always in my body and bless me. || 2 ||
Surasuraissevitapaadapankaja Kare
Virinchipatni Kamalasanasthita Saraswati
Nrityatu Vachi Me Sada || 3 ||
May Goddess Saraswati, whose feet are worshipped by Gods and demons, who holds a very attractive book in her hands, who is the wife of Lord Brahma and who sits on a lotus, always dance in my words. || 3 ||
Sarasvati Sarasijakesaraprabha Tapasvini
Ghanastani KamalVilolalochana Manaswini
Bhavatu Varaprasadini || 4 ||
Oh! Goddess Saraswati, who is born out of water, who shines like saffron, who does penance and likes to sit on an open lotus, who has stout breasts and has shifting eyes like the lotus flower, and who controls the mind, please bestow your boons upon me. || 4 ||
Saraswathi Namastubhyam Varade
Vidyarambam Karishyami Siddhirbhavatu
Me Sada || 5 ||
I pray to Goddess Saraswati who grants blessings and takes forms that she wants. I am starting my education, so please give me success in my venture. || 5 ||
Saraswathi Namastubhyam
SarvaDevi Namo Namah
Shaantarupe Shashidhare Sarvayoge
Namo Namah || 6 ||
I pray to Goddess Saraswati, who is the Goddess to all, who is embodiment of peace, who carries the moon. I pray to the Goddess who is the master of all the yoga. || 6 ||
Nityanande Niraadhare
Nishkalaayai Namo Namah
Vidyadhare Vishalakshi
Shuddhagyaane Namo Namah || 7 ||
I pray to Her who is always joyful, who does not have any basis, I pray to Her who is the basis of education who has broad eyes and is pure wisdom. || 7 ||
Sukshmarupe Namo Namah
Shabdabrahmi Chaturhaste
Sarvasiddhyai Namo Namah || 8 ||
I pray to the one whose form is like a clear crystal and who has a micro form, I pray to the God of voice who has four hands and have all the accomplishments. || 8 ||
Muktaalankrita Sarvangyai
Muladhare Namo Namah
Mulashaktyai Namo Namah || 9 ||
I pray to Her who has decorated all Her body with pearls and who is the root basis, I pray to Her who is of the form of the root mantra and who is the root power. || 9 ||
Manonmani Mahayoge
Vagishvari Namo Namah
Vagmyai Varadahastaayai
Varadayai Namo Namah || 10 ||
I pray to Her who is spiritual, a great yogi and Goddess of words, I pray to the Goddess of sound who holds a hand in blessing position to bless Her devotees. || 10 ||
Vedayai Vedarupayai
Vedantaayai Namo Namah
Gunadiptyai Namo Namah || 11 ||
I pray to Goddess of knowledge, who has Vedic form and is known by Vedas, I pray to the Goddess who differentiates between good and bad and is the light of good || 11 ||
Sarvagyaane Sadanande
Sarvarupe Namo Namah
Sampannayai Kumaryai Cha
Sarvagye Te Namo Namah || 12 ||
I pray to Goddess of all the wisdom, who is ever joyful and takes all forms, I pray to the omniscient one who is full of joy and who is full of everything. || 12 ||
Yoganarya Umadevyai
Yoganande Namo Namaha
Divyagnana Trinetrayai
Divyamurtyai Namo Namaha || 13 ||
I pray to Her who has the form of Yoga, who is Goddess Lakshmi and is the joy created by yoga, I pray to Her who has the divine knowledge, who has three eyes and has a divine form. || 13 ||
Chandrabimbe Namo Namah
Chandrabimbe Namo Namah || 14 ||
I pray to Her who wears the half moon and who has the form of a moon, I pray to Her who is equal to sun and moon and who wears moon as an ornament. || 14 ||
Anurupe Maharupe
Vishvarupe Namo Namah
Aanandayai Namo Namah || 15 ||
I pray to Her who has the form of an atom, a big form and the form of this universe, I pray to Her who has the eight occult powers and has the form of joy. || 15 ||
Gyaanamurte Namo Namah
Nanarupe Namo Namah || 16 ||
I pray to Her who has the form of wisdom and science and is the personification of knowledge, I pray to Her who has the form of different shastras and who has a variety of forms. || 16 ||
Padmajaa Padmavanshaa
Cha Padmarupe Namo Namah
Parameshthyai Paramurtyai
Namaste Paapanaashini || 17 ||
I pray to Her who is lotus, belongs to the clan of lotus and has the form of lotus, I pray to the prime Goddess who has a divine form and destroys sins. || 17 ||
Mahadevyai Mahakalyai
Mahalakshmyai Namo Namah
BrahmaVishnuShivayai Cha
Brahmanaaryai Namo Namah || 18 ||
I pray to the great Goddess, to the great Kali and the great Lakshmi, I pray to Her who is praised by Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva and is the lady of Brahma. || 18 ||
Cha Kaamarupe Namo Namah
Karmadaayai Namo Namah || 19 ||
I pray to her who dwells in the group of lotuses and who can take any desired form, I pray to the wife of Lord Brahma and who is clever in Her work. || 19 ||
Sayam Praatah Pathennityam
Choravyaaghrabhayam Naasti Pathatam
Shranvataamapi || 20 ||
He who reads this strota daily in the morning and evening will get occult powers in six months, He who reads or hears it will not have any fear of the thieves or tiger. || 20 ||
Ittham SarasvatiStotram
Sarvasiddhikaram Nrinaam
Sarvapaappranaashanam || 21 ||
This prayer to Saraswathi which is written by sage Agastya, would lead to all powers and destroy all sins.
This is a highly efficient procedure to gain the blessings of Goddess Saraswati. Every person today needs the blessings of Goddess Saraswati just like Goddess Lakshmi and Goddess Kali. If we want to win over all the situations of life, if we wish to gain brilliance in life, if we wish to become an eloquent speaker, then we can’t ignore Goddess Saraswati in our life.
It is mandatory to obtain Guru Diksha from Revered Gurudev before performing any Sadhana or taking any other Diksha. Please contact Kailash Siddhashram, Jodhpur through Email , Whatsapp, Phone or Submit Request to obtain consecrated-energized and mantra-sanctified Sadhana material and further guidance,