The atrocities of the Mughals were growing day after another, and Guru Govind Singh Ji couldn’t withstand the pain of the people. Thus, Guru Govind Singh Ji felt that the Sikhs should fight against the Mughals & save the poor & needy people.
During that time Bella, a simple man, came to know about the importance of a SadGuru in life & started to seek a true Guru in life.
Gagan Mandal Me Aundha Kuan, Tahan Amrit Ka Basa.
Sagura Hosi So Bhar-Bhar Piya, Nigura Jaaye Piyaasaa.
There is an upside down well of elixir in this body (the Sahastraara Chakra) and the one who has a Guru drinks this nectar without any bounds. However, a person who doesn’t have a Guru remains thirsty and dies remaining deprived of this elixir.
Fortunately, he learned about Guru Govind Singh Ji & reached to the place where he was residing & requested for some service. “Do you know how to use any weapon?” asked the Guru Govind Singh Ji. “No, Gurudev,” replied Bella. “Can you ride a horse?”, Govind Singh Ji asked again.
“No, Gurudev,” was the answer again. “Well, then what kind of service do you think you can do?” asked the Guru. “Gurudev, I could work in the stables & take care of the horses,” Bella replied softly with joint palms. “Very good, you may go to the stables & start your service,” said Guru Govind Singh Ji.
Thus, Bella started serving the Guru by taking care of the stables & the horses with the utmost devotion & sincerity. Within a couple of months, the horses became much fitter & healthier under his care.
One day Guru Govind Singh Ji himself went to see the horses & was impressed by looking at them. He asked, “Who is taking care of these horses, who is responsible for making them look so healthy?” A disciple replied, “Gurudev, it is Bella.”
Turning to Bella, Guru Govind Singh Ji asked Bella how educated he is. “No, Gurudev, I am an uneducated person. I am a son a poor man & was thus not fortunate enough to go to school.”, replied Bella.
“No issues, I will teach you myself from today,” said Guru Govind Singh Ji. From that day, every morning Guru Govind Singh Ji would teach him a line & Bella used to repeat it with utmost devotion & dedication the whole day.
One morning while Guru Govind Singh Ji was leaving for a battle & Bella saw the Guru climbing the horse. He bowed down to him & requested a new line for the day. The Guru smiled & said, “You do not recognize the proper time nor an appropriate moment. Don’t you know where I am going?”
Bella took the sentence as the preaching for the day from the Guru & devotedly started to recite it as always. The other disciples of Guru Govind Singh Ji who heard the Guru’s words started to make fun of Bella saying how foolish he was not to understand what the Guru meant. When Guru Govind Singh Ji returned from the battlefield, he recollected that he didn’t give any line to Bella today & inquired the disciples about him. One of the disciples said, , “Gurudev, Bella is in the stable & is reciting the line you gave him today?” Guru Govind Singh Ji replied, “I did not give him any new line today,”.
“But Gurudev, he has been repeating all day long, “You do not recognize the proper time nor an appropriate moment. Don’t you know where I am going?”
When the Guru heard this, he smiled & said, “Bella is certainly a simple soul & has already received all the knowledge that he needs. He has earned the grace of the Guru.” As soon as he said this, Bella got enlightenment. Seeing the achievement of Bella, the other disciples who have been in service for a long time, were greatly annoyed & felt that Guru Govind Singh Ji didn’t do justice to them. They said, “We have been serving Gurudev for so many years & Gurudev didn’t bestow the grace up on us. Whereas this Bella, who came here only few months back, has already attained the enlightenment. Isn’t this an injustice?”
When Guru Govind Singh Ji came to know about the displeasure of the disciples, he gave them a large quantity of Cannabis leaves & asked them to boil them in a large pot. The disciples did as were asked by the Guru. “Now, each one of you should rinse your mouth with this until the pot is empty.”, said Guru Govind Singh Ji.
After the pot was empty, he asked them, “Do any of you feel intoxicated?” “No Gurudev! How could we feel intoxicated when we have not swallowed it?” they replied.
Guru Govind Singh Ji smiled & replied, “That is the answer to your distress. The Guru can initiate you, but if you do not practice what he preaches and don’t develop love, faith and devotion towards your Guru, you will never be able to attain enlightenment. Bella is a pious & simple man & whatever comes out of the lips of his SadGuru, he practices it with full love, faith & devotion. Whatever the Guru says, it is the duty of the disciple to carry it out implicitly. Only such a disciple can get drenched with the grace of the Guru.”
The disciples understood where they were failing & started to imbibe the preachings of their Guru.
Maya Dipak Nar Patang, Bhrami Bhrami Ivame Padat.
Kahe Kabir Guru Gyan Te, Ek Aadh Ubarant
Kabir stated that illusion or Maya is like a lamp and a human being is like a moth. The way the moth in a delusion falls into the lamp and brings an end to its life, similarly human beings waste their life in illusion. This Maya or illusion is so strong that only one out of several disciples are able to break the shackles of this illusion by the grace of a SadGuru.
It is mandatory to obtain Guru Diksha from Revered Gurudev before performing any Sadhana or taking any other Diksha. Please contact Kailash Siddhashram, Jodhpur through Email , Whatsapp, Phone or Submit Request to obtain consecrated-energized and mantra-sanctified Sadhana material and further guidance,