There is a common saying, Beauty Lies In The Eyes of Beholder – i.e. the perception of beauty is subjective – people can have differing opinions on what is beautiful. What one person perceives as flawless & captivating might be ordinary or unappealing to another. Beauty is something that one can observe through the soul. This nature is full of beauty – scenic mountains, beautiful waterfalls, flowers, clouds etc. If it up to us to halt for a moment & capture this beauty deep within ourselves.
Is there anyone in this world who doesn’t find a child beautiful. Whether its human beings, animals or birds, everyone’s child is filled with a divine beauty. However, as we age, we tend to lose this charm, this beauty, this power of attraction. Have you ever thought what is the reason behind this? Why do we become so dull & disheartened as we grow up?
The prime reason behind this is we tend to take this world too seriously. Have you seen a child falling multiple times, yet they never shy away from trying it multiple times? Have you seen them making silly mistakes, yet enjoying it? Have you seen them bringing a smile on to the face of everyone who comes in their contact? They are actually filled with the divine energy that keeps them joyous all the time & their failures doesn’t bother them.
On the contrary if we look at grown up people, there are only a handful of who makes us happy, who are filled with energy & who can bring a smile to our face. Those are the person who are still a child at their heart. They don’t take this world too seriously or overthink about what is wrong with this world. Even if someone tries to demean them or make fun of them, they hardly pay any attention to those people because they understand it is not worth it!
In today’s world, we see beautiful faces, but behind those faces is a dull & wilted soul. We put on a lot of makeup to look younger & try to conceal our marks & wrinkles. Even though everyone know what true beauty is, most people struggle to define it & convince others to accept their views. The idea of beauty is not just a physical appearance of a person or object. Rather, it is an understanding that gives some perceptual experience to one’s eyes, ears, intellect, & moral sense. Natural, powerful, real beauty, however, originates from within the heart of individuals & when it blossoms, it is expressed as a captivating feeling that is not easy to contain.
True beauty is mesmerizing, & one can’t forget that easily. Due to this reason only, we can recall those places or people who are able to touch our hearth. Our ancient texts mention the norms of beauty for any human being. Any person who comes into the contact of a beautiful person must be left astonished & hypnotized. If this doesn’t happen, then definitely there is some flaw in that individual’s personality. In today’s world, even though we meet a lot of people, even though a lot of people come in our contact, very few of them create a long-lasting impact on us.
Then how can we bring back the beauty the God gifted us when we were a child? How can we live a contended life? How can we become the center of attraction? What shall we do to make people favorable in life? What shall we do to become successful, famous, wanted & respected in this society?
The solution for all these problems is Aanand Aakarshan Diksha. Aanand means joy, on one hand where happiness is short lived, eternal joy is something that keeps us cherished all the time. This is the diksha which energizes our every pour with eternal joy & a divine radiance starts to emit from our body. Our face will then have the hypnotic power to attract anyone towards us. And then there will be offerings all around you. Then there will be people gossiping about you, eager to gain your company. Then there would be true love in your life. A word of caution is one must have a pious heart to attain such a beauty.
It is completely in our hand to either attain success in life or to continue to blame our stars & pretend to be a victim of circumstances. If we look back into the history, there is no one who has attained success in life without putting into a lot of effort. As SadGurudev once stated, “Whatever situation you are in right now, it’s all because of you. If you are poor, weak, deprived of all the pleasures of this world, then it is just because you don’t want to put efforts in your life to overcome those shortcomings of life. Nothing is impossible for a human being who has made up the mind and puts conscious efforts into attaining the goal. You are in such a pathetic state in life just because you act as a victim of situations and love to be pitied by others.”
This Diksha is the one which energizes a person to attain what all he or she wishes for in life. How can a person attain anything in life if he is not motivated from within? How can a person attain the goals if he doesn’t have the power to perform his tasks? How can a person engrave his name in history if he doesn’t have the courage to do something extraordinary in life? This diksha is one of its kind & its benefits are multifold.
It’s not that you will become fair after taking this diksha or the shape of your eyes, nose etc. will change. Your appearance won’t get transformed into that of any God or Goddess or some super model. However, what will change will leave you astonished. You will become an epicenter of a strong hypnotic force which can even attract your enemies towards you. The person blessed with this diksha gains enormous power & will to attain any goal that he or she has set in his or her life.
The year is approaching towards an end and what can be a better way to start the coming year than by getting filled with joy, youthfulness, eagerness, positivity & beauty. In order to attain such a state in life, you must get initiated by Gurudev with this divine Diksha.
It is mandatory to obtain Guru Diksha from Revered Gurudev before performing any Sadhana or taking any other Diksha. Please contact Kailash Siddhashram, Jodhpur through Email , Whatsapp, Phone or Submit Request to obtain consecrated-energized and mantra-sanctified Sadhana material and further guidance,