For a true disciple, there is nothing bigger than Guru. His prime Lord is none other than Guru because a true disciple has already gained this knowledge that all the Gods & Goddesses resides in the body of Guru.
All the siddhis dance before the Guru & if someone is near an ocean, then why should a person just seek a drop of water. A true disciple understands that by serving Guru, all the Gods & Goddesses get pleased upon him & bestow their blessings.
To keep a tree green & flourishing, one need not give water to each & every leaf. Watering the roots ensures the tree remains green & nourished. Similarly, instead of worshiping thousands of Gods & Goddesses, a true disciple just worships Guru & lives a happy & prosperous life that is deprived of any shortcomings.
To glorify the Guru is like lighting a lamp in front of the sun. Yet, there are several texts that have been written in the glory of Guru. The reason behind this is a disciple tries to script his love & devotion towards his Guru and tries to share Guru’s divine knowledge so that others too can get benefitted by the same. It is the Guru who removes the darkness of ignorance from our mind & illuminates our life with the light of knowledge.
A true disciple finds pleasure in making his Guru happy. A mere smile on Guru’s face brings a lot of happiness to the disciple. One such incident took place with Lord Hanuman. Lord Ram was about to ask Mother Sita to leave the palace & go into the wild. He was not happy with his decision as he deeply loved her. Lord Hanuman saw His Guru in tension & tried to inquire about it but Lord Ram kept his silence. Suddenly, Mother Sita came to that place & Lord Ram’s eyes saw the vermillion on Her forehead. This brought a smile on His saddened face & Lord Hanuman, a true devotee, didn’t miss the happiness that came to his Guru’s face.
Lord Hanuman wondered as to why does She wears a vermillion mark on Her forehead & asked the reason for applying the vermillion. Mother Sita smiled & said she does that for her husband to have a long life with health & prosperity. Lord Hanuman fell into a deep thought with this. Suddenly an idea struck Him & He left the chamber without saying a word to anybody. He thought, if my Lord gets pleased with a mere small dot of vermillion, if a small dot of vermillion brings health, prosperity, and longevity then I will cover my entire body with it. That will surely benefit my Lord a lot!
During daytime, when Lord Ram went to the court, he found Hanuman missing. It was unusual as there was never a day without Lord Hanuman besides Lord Ram. All started searching in the whole palace, but Lord Hanuman was nowhere. After some time, Lord Hanuman came to the court for His daily service, wearing vermillion all over his body. Lord Ram started laughing at the very first look & on the other hand Lord Hanuman was pleased that he was able to remove tension from the face of His Guru.
Lord Ram then asked Him the reason for the same. Lord Hanuman mentioned that if a tiny dot of vermillion on Mother Sita’s forehead could bring smile on your face & give Him a long life, then how much a body entirely coated with vermillion would do good to him. For this reason, He applied vermillion all over his body.
Lord Ram was mighty pleased with his dear devotee’s love & affection towards him. With eyes filled with happiness, Lord Ram blessed Hanuman & granted him a boon that whoever worships Hanuman with vermillion would be blessed by Lord Ram too. This is what being a real disciple means.
A real disciple just thinks about the happiness of His Guru. There is nothing beyond the happiness of Guru in the life of a disciple. His world entirely revolves around fulfilling the desire of the Guru. And this is not a simple task! The reason behind this is we are tied up with a lot of relationships, ego, pride, selfishness in this world. It is not easy to let go off all these worldly ties.
Only the fortunate ones, only the ones on whom the Guru gets really pleased are the one who can break these shackles of life. The blessed ones understand the true form of Guru & can witness His divine form. It is far more valuable, far more pleasing, far more satisfying than witnessing any God or Goddess as Guru is far beyond these Gods and Goddesses. He is a human manifestation of Brahma!
How many of us feel blessed when Gurudev gets a smile after meeting us or looking at us? How many of us really try to bring a happiness, comfort, delight into His life? Are we a disciple just to get His blessings or in turn we are bringing anything positive in His life? Disciples are considered to be hands, feet & mouth of a Guru as all the work of Guru gets completed by the disciples. It is not because the Guru can’t complete those tasks by Himself, it is because the Guru wants to get indebted so that He can give back to the disciples.
A disciple can’t repay for the favors that a Guru showers up on the disciple. However, sincerely serving the Guru, flourishing His divine knowledge, doing what all we can do, no matter how small the contribution be, pleases the Guru. And we never know which service of ours can please the Guru. If the Guru gets pleased, then there remains nothing impossible in life. Any wish, any sadhana, any siddhi gets fulfilled by the blessing of SadGuru.
Guru-disciple relationship has existed in this universe since eternity. Gurus have incarnated on the earth time and again to guide their disciples and take them on to the path of eternal bliss. It is out of mere love that Gurus incarnate on this earth, suffer through all the worldly affairs, yet help us in attaining our goals and live a happy & prosperous life.
We pray to our loving Gurudev who has always guided us during our tough times, who stood by us when this world didn’t care for us, who has nurtured us like a father, who has been as caring as a mother & who treats us like his own children, who has imparted his divine energy into us to fulfill our wishes, who feel happy in our successes & who consoles us at our losses. Where else do we need to go in our life to attain peace, success, love and affection then?
It is mandatory to obtain Guru Diksha from Revered Gurudev before performing any Sadhana or taking any other Diksha. Please contact Kailash Siddhashram, Jodhpur through Email , Whatsapp, Phone or Submit Request to obtain consecrated-energized and mantra-sanctified Sadhana material and further guidance,